Monday, August 31, 2009

Standing Up!

So the other day we went to a cousins soccer game @ a Riverton Park. Tony needed to go to the bathroom. At a park, do you think they were decent? No not really!! Ew Gross!!
I stood Tony on the toilet bowl, legs spread out onto each side of the toilet. He doesn't stand at home so, I gave him a little bit of help. At home we sit, but because they were "icky" and "Cucky" he could stand.
Thankgoodness to being potty trained he just goes at home. Well, today, I heard him say "I'm gonna stand" I ran from the kitchen to the bathroom yelling "no, don't sand, sit down, Tony, sit down"!!! At the time I reached the bathroom doorway, I saw his underware and shorts laying in the middle of the floor. I watched him take ONE giant step ontop of the toilet bowl. Then comes this stream of yellow in the bowl, I watched silently. What else was I supposed to do @ that point?? He was already peeing!!
Then the stream hits his foot, "Oh Gosh!" he says and tries to correct it by adjusting himself and gets all the way down his leg. (At this point I'm laughing and trying to hide it, I loved him saying "oh gosh"). Then he picks up that foot, now spraying the seat, he adjusts himself again and squirts his other leg!!! I lost it, Come on now, that is funny!! Just picture it, It was hillarious. It's a good thing I was in a good mood!!
I grew up with all girls and have only heard of these boy potty stories. Thankgoodness it wasn't too bad. I know it's gross but funny too!
I obviously didn't get a picture of him actually making the mess, but I thought it was so funny, that I had to take a pic. and post it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Baby Evie

We are all so very excited to say that we are having a baby girl!! I'm so happy and exicted that my Heavely Father trusts me to raise another sweet spirit. What a wonderful blessing Evie has been already. We anxiously await her arrival due in Jan. 4rth.
Some funny things Tony says: "Mom, I will protect you and baby Evie"
"We have to teach baby Evie how to talk and walk"
"Mom, how is baby Evie doing today?"
"Wow, mom, your tummy is getting bigger, that means baby Evie is getting bigger, huh?"
He likes to talk to her and tell her he loves her as he put his mouth to my belly.
"I'm gonna hold her"