Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Lines, lines, and more lines. Tony always puts his toys and other things in a line. He'll ask me to come play dinosaurs, animals, cars, the list goes on. Most of the time we'll play for a couple minutes and then he'll put them in a line and he'll tell me not to touch them. I have teased him once or twice, to see what happens.... "no, mom they go right here" he'll say.
Me: "well, don't you want to play dinos?"
Tony: "We are, lets play"
Still not allowed to move the animal out of line.
I came into the room the other day to find pillows in the line. A little OCD you think?

Movie Night

Movie night and popcorn!! We wanted something else and so we made a hut!! It was big hit!! Tony wanted to sleep in the hut and everything. The next time he wanted to watch a movie, of course he wanted to have a hut. I loved huts when I was little. We made the whole room one big hut, I lobe those memories. Maybe Tony will remember silly things like that.


Something to keep Tony entertained...... He loves popsicles, and he got this popsicle mold for his birthday last year from a friend. He loved it!! It was a big hit. Just a little messy.
Just look at that smile, he was having so much fun. Tony just couldn't wait until it was done. When they were done, all he wanted were the blue handle ones!! A little bit of koolaid turned into a fun activity. It kept his attention and he was happy, which always makes me happy!!

Bored = swim cap

Okay so we were bored one day and Tony found a swimming cap and I thought it would be funny to show him what it was. He absolutely hated it on him, ofcourse he wanted me to try it on. He thought it was HILARIOUS. The best part was him trying to take it off. He was laughing so hard. Looking pretty ridiculous was worth it to hear his deap ongoing laugh.