What happened you ask? Well, sadly the answer is I scatched him.
I was on the phone, getting Tony ready to go out the door. He didn't want to leave and started to get into things (I'm on the phone may I remind you). Tony opens the cupboard underneath the sink. This door already has a child proof latch on the inside. Tony has obviously figured how to work it. (Smart little devil (hehe)) He paused looking at me, saw me on the phone. Then in super mode, he quickly grabbed the cleaning spray bottle and ran off as fast as he could spraying everything inside, giggling as he turned the corner hiding from me. As I reached in to grab the bottle, he leaped foward and as you can see I scrathed his cheek instead.
When dad got home, he was quick to show dad the owie on his cheek. Mike asked him what happened, he says, "Um I had it and mommy took it away!!!" I've put vit. A and neosporin on it, hopefully to reduce the scaring. You can still see it and I feel so bad when people ask what happened to him. Sorry Bud, I still love you!! Luckily he is quickly to forgive and forget!!