Boy Meets Girl TAG!!

This tag is called How I met ____"
1. Where did you meet?
BLIND DATE!!! I know, I swore that was going to be the last one. I hated them, they never turned out good, I just couldn't turn people down. Needless to say, this one turned out Great!! To think I even tried to back out on it, but after 45 min on the phone, I gave in again. (long story... if you want to know ask me)
2. What was the 1st thought that went through your head when you met?
Honestly, it was a sign of relief!!!! (for both of us) My older sister answered the door who is a 5' 4'' red head. Could you imagine, all 6'8'" of Mike with her, I can't. Anyway, I was very happy to see it was Mike and not someone else. My friend told me I could go take a look at him to know what he looked like at work, she ended up telling me the wrong day. So I saw some one else instead, who I wasn't the least bit excited about!! That is why I was it was a relief and excitement.
3. Do you remember what he was wearing?
A long sleeved white or gray shirt with blue jeans.
4. Where was the 1st time you kissed this person?
On my porch. The sweet guy asked if he could kiss me!!!
5. Where did you go on your 1st date?
The Scarecrow festival, to see Jerhico Road. (It was our friends cousin)
Then we went to a Corn Maze, then back to a friends house to watch a movie.
6. How long did you know this person before you were a couple?
Um, maybe a couple of weeks, maybe. We were dating other people at first and always checked in on eachother the next day to see how it went. Neither of us had as much fun as we did together. So, realized we were tired of it and just dated eachother.
7. How did he ask you out?
He didn't, remember a blind date. Our friend set it all up.
8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yes, We are married and there is NO way I would have done it. It's the mans responsibitly.
We've dated 5 months and he had a long stem rose every place we went. One when he picked me up. Two, laying on the table at the restaraunt. (I know, how sweet and romantic. He had took it to the restaraunt before he picked me up.) Three, we went ice skating. Four, at dessert. Five, He dropped me off with nothing, no rose, no proposal, nothing!! I knew something was up and gonna happen. He never did anything like that before. He came back like 15 min. later with a red long stem rose and a ring a proposal, kisses and hugs and pictures. It was a fun night.
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
NO, no kids yet, just one. One beautiful child, Tony, that I love to death. Mike and Tony are my bestest friends ever!!!
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Yep!!! A couple of times!! I know hopefully you would expect it but yes!! Speeding, Funny story, Mike made me car sick he had to pullover to let me relieve the sickness. On vacation, in a new car, in the mountains. He was testing out the new car. OF course it was in the curvy part of the mountain. He got a huge ticket!! I think he was going 20 miles over. Mike thought it was so cool that he didn't need the windshield wipers in the rain storm.
We had some good friends from Florida come visit. They were driving. We got stuck in traffic and he didn't want to wait. He say a break in the median, and drove up in the emergency lane tuned through the tiny space and zoomed off. Later that day, we were paked illegally in the mountains. They were driving, He got the ticket. He's fromFlorida and has never been in the mountains or snow. We'll just say he did a lot of exploring.........
The list goes on....
11. When was the 1st time you liked this person?
1st date. In the cornmaze.
12. Do you get along with his family?
Yes unless if I wear heals. Then I'm on Mikes oldest brother, Bills black list. It really makes them feel uncomfortable. Mike is the freakishly tall one in his family. His mom is 5'4". With out shoes I'm as tall as his dad and his two bros.
13. Do you trust this person?
Always, well when he is serious. If he is not serious, then NEVER
14. Do you see him as your partner forever?
Isn't that what etenity is? Yep, too bad for him.
15. What is the best gift he gave you?
Friendship, Love, Motherhood. Honest and worthy man who I can go tho the temple with.
My new vacuum and my new pots and pans. hehehe
16. What is the one thing he does that gets on your nerves?
I don't know, I try to forget it. He doesn't get on my nerves much at all.
17. Where do you see eachother in 15 yrs.?
Hopefully in heaven together. This world is getting scary and bad.
In our 40's. That's still young. Probably out having fun!!
18. What causes the most arguments?
What kind of questions are these? Argue? Who does that?
I don't even know, we agree on most everything. It's a good thing we are together.
19. How long have you been together?
6 yrs.
20. Are you married?
YESSIREE!! 5 1/2 years!!
Love you Mike (:
21. Who do you tag?
Summer, Angie, Tracy, Wendy, Kellie, Erin
Have fun
1. Where did you meet?
BLIND DATE!!! I know, I swore that was going to be the last one. I hated them, they never turned out good, I just couldn't turn people down. Needless to say, this one turned out Great!! To think I even tried to back out on it, but after 45 min on the phone, I gave in again. (long story... if you want to know ask me)
2. What was the 1st thought that went through your head when you met?
Honestly, it was a sign of relief!!!! (for both of us) My older sister answered the door who is a 5' 4'' red head. Could you imagine, all 6'8'" of Mike with her, I can't. Anyway, I was very happy to see it was Mike and not someone else. My friend told me I could go take a look at him to know what he looked like at work, she ended up telling me the wrong day. So I saw some one else instead, who I wasn't the least bit excited about!! That is why I was it was a relief and excitement.
3. Do you remember what he was wearing?
A long sleeved white or gray shirt with blue jeans.
4. Where was the 1st time you kissed this person?
On my porch. The sweet guy asked if he could kiss me!!!
5. Where did you go on your 1st date?
The Scarecrow festival, to see Jerhico Road. (It was our friends cousin)
Then we went to a Corn Maze, then back to a friends house to watch a movie.
6. How long did you know this person before you were a couple?
Um, maybe a couple of weeks, maybe. We were dating other people at first and always checked in on eachother the next day to see how it went. Neither of us had as much fun as we did together. So, realized we were tired of it and just dated eachother.
7. How did he ask you out?
He didn't, remember a blind date. Our friend set it all up.
8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yes, We are married and there is NO way I would have done it. It's the mans responsibitly.
We've dated 5 months and he had a long stem rose every place we went. One when he picked me up. Two, laying on the table at the restaraunt. (I know, how sweet and romantic. He had took it to the restaraunt before he picked me up.) Three, we went ice skating. Four, at dessert. Five, He dropped me off with nothing, no rose, no proposal, nothing!! I knew something was up and gonna happen. He never did anything like that before. He came back like 15 min. later with a red long stem rose and a ring a proposal, kisses and hugs and pictures. It was a fun night.
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
NO, no kids yet, just one. One beautiful child, Tony, that I love to death. Mike and Tony are my bestest friends ever!!!
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Yep!!! A couple of times!! I know hopefully you would expect it but yes!! Speeding, Funny story, Mike made me car sick he had to pullover to let me relieve the sickness. On vacation, in a new car, in the mountains. He was testing out the new car. OF course it was in the curvy part of the mountain. He got a huge ticket!! I think he was going 20 miles over. Mike thought it was so cool that he didn't need the windshield wipers in the rain storm.
We had some good friends from Florida come visit. They were driving. We got stuck in traffic and he didn't want to wait. He say a break in the median, and drove up in the emergency lane tuned through the tiny space and zoomed off. Later that day, we were paked illegally in the mountains. They were driving, He got the ticket. He's fromFlorida and has never been in the mountains or snow. We'll just say he did a lot of exploring.........
The list goes on....
11. When was the 1st time you liked this person?
1st date. In the cornmaze.
12. Do you get along with his family?
Yes unless if I wear heals. Then I'm on Mikes oldest brother, Bills black list. It really makes them feel uncomfortable. Mike is the freakishly tall one in his family. His mom is 5'4". With out shoes I'm as tall as his dad and his two bros.
13. Do you trust this person?
Always, well when he is serious. If he is not serious, then NEVER
14. Do you see him as your partner forever?
Isn't that what etenity is? Yep, too bad for him.
15. What is the best gift he gave you?
Friendship, Love, Motherhood. Honest and worthy man who I can go tho the temple with.
My new vacuum and my new pots and pans. hehehe
16. What is the one thing he does that gets on your nerves?
I don't know, I try to forget it. He doesn't get on my nerves much at all.
17. Where do you see eachother in 15 yrs.?
Hopefully in heaven together. This world is getting scary and bad.
In our 40's. That's still young. Probably out having fun!!
18. What causes the most arguments?
What kind of questions are these? Argue? Who does that?
I don't even know, we agree on most everything. It's a good thing we are together.
19. How long have you been together?
6 yrs.
20. Are you married?
YESSIREE!! 5 1/2 years!!
Love you Mike (:
21. Who do you tag?
Summer, Angie, Tracy, Wendy, Kellie, Erin
Have fun