Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Big Brown Eyes

I noticed one day that Tony was particulary paying attention to me putting my makeup on. I didn't think anything of it until later. I gave him the mascara tube, I know that was dumb of me, but he hasn't figured out how to open it yet, so I thought. After I gave it to him I ran to help Mike with something and realized it got really quiet!!! Hmmm what could he be doing. I instantly thought, he couldn't have until I saw this.....
I have to be careful with Tony. If he wants soemthing bad enoughhe will figure it out!! He is very talented and SMART!! He picks up on things sometimes way to quick!!!

I don't think he needs it! Do you? He is Hansome anyway. He already is blessed with his dads dark long eye lashes that we girls want!! It always seems the boys get those!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fun at Jungle Jims??

We went to Jungle Jims Playground. Tony's first time on any type of rollercoaster ride! Did he like it? NOPE!!! Our first ride was the carosole, he didn't like the horse moving up and down and we went in a cirle. He didn't even want to try the other rides after that. He made me sit on the space ship ride with him!! He liked being able to move the ship up and down, why not the horse? I don't know. What was his favorite ride? His favorite ride was the jeeps!!!! He got to drive it himslef and it was close to the ground, he felt like he had more control. That's all he said the whole time we were there, "Drive", "Jeeps". He liked anything he could drive besides the jeeps, he found enjoyment on the boat and the train. We won't try the carnival rides anymore for a while.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Makin' Cookies

Tony loves to help in the kitchen!! He loves to stir things, make pancakes and cookies!! He really wanted the cookies, and couldn't wait for them. To pass time he played in the flour. Then, he sure loves clean up, because water is involved!! From one mess to another, flour to water. At least he has fun!

Day at the park

Anything with water Tony has a blast!!! They dropped a flower in the waterfall and followed it down to the lake.

Tony loves the slides!! We spend a long at the park every time we go. He runs right to the slides!! We found the this really cool swing that is a chair that he likes better than the swings!