Catch Up
Tony is just amazed at Evie and loves his little sister. He loves to lay next to her.
Tony just loves his sister!! What more can I say, he is so proud to be a big brother. Every time I take the camera out he has to be in it with her.
He always wants to hold her. Today he said, "Mom, I haven't held Evie yet today. Can I hold her?"
She is tired of pictures and he just loves to be with her. If we go anywhere, he asks, "Is Evie going with us"
We took a walk the other day and Tony wanted to sit in the stroller with her. They love eachother, why not while it lasts. They both fit and it was cute. He was so proud of himself holding her and being the big bro. "She likes this, she's smiling at me, she likes me"
3 Months old!! Time has flown and she is getting bigger and yes, I think the cheeks are too!! She is a good eater when she wants to be. But if Tony is around she will NOT eat.
Almost always a happy girl. As long as someone is with her she loves her swing. We have to be in the room with her though. This is her seat while I am making dinner, we keep eachother company. Some times Tony is sitting right next to her on the floor, playing with her and making her laugh.