Loving Big Brother!! He loves his little sister, Evie. He was so anxious when he came home from grandmas house to see his new baby sister for the first time. He says, "She is perfect". He came up with that one on his own. It was so sweet for a mother to hear her little boy say about his sister. He always wants to hold, kiss and hug her!
Evie was born Jan. 5, 2010. She was 8lbs. 2oz., 20.5 in. long. Everything went fast, smooth and great. 2 hours after getting an epidural and 3 pushes she made her grand entrance. Baby is healthy and so is mom so we left the hospital after 24 hrs of being there. Can't find better comfort than our own home and beds!
We love her so much and very excited to have her in our family. She already has a great love for Tony, her big brother. She knows when he is in the room. She turns her head in his directin as he moves around. As soon as Dad holds her, she finds comfort and sleeps. We have been blessed and love having her in our family.