Here is just one room that I ripped apart to find the book...(the couches, the books, the pillows)
Tony loves the Library, books and stories. Not to mention the "Newts" and bug toys at the library. We returned all of the books back a couple weeks ago and I noticed on my account, there was one book still checked out. I could have sworn I returned it. I searched all the books, and all the places we read them and everywhere books are found in our home to find it. I searched the couches like four times. I ripped all the cushions and pillows off searched under and behind the couch. I got a flashlight and searched behind and under all the bookcases, entertainment center, computer desk, the fish tank, all the beds, play room, all closets in the entire house. When I can't find something I get obsessed about it, so I continued searching both cars, under the seats, the trunk, behind and under the fridge and oven. Under and behind all the dressers, in each drawer through all the clothes, in the DVD/game closet, under the sinks, in all my cupboards, in the pantry, and in the storage room. I searched the whole house!!!!!! I tried calling the Library to see if there was a mistake. I left a message, and no one called, so I went to the Library and found the book with the correct shelving number. I took it upto the desk and the Lady took it off my count. I feel much better now that the mystery is solved and the book is found and I didn't lose.