Friday, March 27, 2009

The Letter "M"

So Tony and I wanted something new to do and we were bored the other day. We came up with "M" day. We started with gluing Marshmallows to paper in a the letter of "M".
Tony didn't like getting the glue on his fingers. He hates his hands and fingers dirty. So he was very carful pressing each one by itself with one finger.

He mostly liked having the marshmallows around. He snuck in a couple of bites here and there. He thinks marshmallows are the yummiest snack next to fruit snacks.

The final outcome... I think he did good don't you?

Then we played a game with marshmallows. I put BIG and little marshmallows in one bowl together. I placed a tag in each bowl. One for the BIG ones and one for the little ones. He had to seperate them and put them where they go in the matching sign and bowl.

The best part was that he got to eat them when he was done. But of course he is only 2 so it didn't catch his attention for too long. He was ready to move on to another game after playing 2 or 3 times.
Then we went around the house naming everything that starts with "M". Mom, Monkey, we went out to get the Mail, Manny off Ice Age...
It was a fun day, we got the idea off the blog, No time for flashcards. Thanks.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

1st time at the Dentist!!

Can you believe Tony is almost 3???!! I rented some books from the library about going to the dentist and all the fun things that go on, like the ride on the big chair, the big camera that takes pictures of your teeth and the great big flashlight. Tony was more excited about the flash light than anything else. My next step was making the appt. We heard good things about Jordan Landing Pediatric Dentistry. Tony did awesome! He got everything done that the Dentist and his assistant tried to do. The Dr. was very pleased and the most important thing is there were no cavities!!!! YEAH!!! Tony liked the office because he got a free icecream voucher,a new "cars" tooth brush, a prize from the bucket (honestly, are we supprised he picked a snake? NO!) and a coin for the merry-go-round in the waiting room!!!! He loved the ride he got on the fish. The last picture is him showing his "clean white teeth". That is the face he makes after he brushes hiss teeth every night when he runs to the mirror.

"Jack in the Box"

Tony enjoyed the other night with his friends in the play room. They had so much fun and played really well together. While mom's and dad's were eating dessert and playing games the kids had a blast not playing with the toys, but emptying the toy box. Ragaen was a big cheeser when the camera came out, I love that face! She played with all the toys and wished she would get in with the boys. Tony and Blake thought it was so fun being in the huge box!! They had a great time together. I'ts nice when you can just let them go off and play. Moms and Dads had fun too and enjoyed all the cookies while we tried out a new game, "RAGE". We haven't hung out with our friends for a looong time. We really enjoy them and love their friendship. Thanks guys!!